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Scented geraniums grow well in full sun and well drained soil.Scented gernaniums can grow from 12"-18" (depending on variety). The scented leaves are know to be used for potpourri, perfumes, and cooking.


Garden Cuisine Scented Geraniums Include: Apricot, Chocolate Mint, Citronella, Citrosa, Ginger, Lady Plymouth, Lemon, Lemon-Rose, Lemon Pom Pom, Old Spice, Orange, Peppermint, Pineapple, Rose, Skeleton Rose, and Strawberry.


Scented Geranium Vodka


48 hours (Keeps for roughly 6 months)



2 large handfuls of unsprayed

rose-scented geranium leaves

700 or 750ml bottle of vodka,

80 proof/40% ABV

1-litre wide-mouthed, sealable jar, sterilized, can use mason jars

Sealable presentation bottles, sterilized



Smack the individual unwashed leaves between your hands to release the essential oil before placing them in the jar. Cover with the vodka. Seal and upend the jar gently a few  times. Leave in a cool, dark place for 24 hours. Taste, if you are getting a strong flavor after 24 hours, reseal and leave for a maximum of 48 hours. Strain the infusion into a wide-mouthed pitcher, then funnel into the sterilized presentation bottles and reseal. Stored in a cool, dark place.



Submitted by: Nikki


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